Quando due strumenti a corda si trovano nella stessa stanza ed uno di questi viene fatto vibrare dall'esecutore, il secondo vibra "per simpatia" entrando in risonanza con il primo.La stessa cosa avviene tra le anime.
Resonance for simpathy
when two string instruments are in the same room and one of them is made to vibrate by the executor, the second vibrates in "simpathy" entering in resonance with the first. The same happens to souls
venerdì 19 aprile 2013
Life is a stream
I am becoming aware of the fact that life is a not succession of separate events, but rather 'a stream, a flow of events.The way in which we manage a relation with others goes to affect the reaction of those with others.The way we treat a person moves to the next and generally the latter will broadcast that energy to others that will meet. We live in a continuous flow of energy and these can be positive or negative. The flow in which we are in will be positive or negative depending on what we get from others. Whenever we get by others (or by ourselves, with the "famous" negative thoughts), negative influences, we can react keeping the negativity and spreading negative energy to others.This is what we do when, frustrated by the negativity that surrounds us we simply unload on others anger, disappointment, resentment, cruelty. Similarly, when we receive or produce negativity we can recognize and stop the process. Taking the awareness of the negative energy that we receive (or produce) we can move away (mentally, physically) and do not accept the negative emotional charge. In this way, we do interrupt a flow of negative energy. The Extreme mode that we can apply to maximize energy conversion from negative to positive is represented by FORGIVENESS.When we forgive someone for their mistakes put into circulation a 'wave of good feelings. In contrast, when we punish a toprto with our words and behavior We trigger a flow of feelings, negative energy.We are responsible for the positivity 'or negativity' around us.We choose to give a sign to the energies we live and put on others. Yesterday afternoon I attended the interview with my eldest (9 ys old) son' teachers. I found myself listening to a series of notes on the declining scholoar performance that did not catch me unprepared. In recent months Leonardo did everything to make it as little as possible at school! I was aware of this and even felt unarmed, because I kept on trying to motivate and help Leonardo in getting back on a good school track. I felt, however, attacked personally by the teachers. I was not talked about the decline in attention and / or commitment of the child but teachers also speculated that this was related to my job, my absence from his working homework routine. Ok; no news for me, actually. It's utterly clear that the teachers of my elest son do not appreciate my work commitment (of which, moreover, I have never spoken to them). But I still feel under attack when it is assumed that 1) my son does not need a mother who comeback home @ 7 pm, 2) children are like sponges, if a mother has commitments that distract 'em from giving love and attention they suffer and regress, as Leo is doing. All this excluding the possibility that my husband and I (because we are a BI-parental family) with different ways and times we follow (as we are able to) our children.
I do not agree these visions as they limit the maternal figure and its role.I listened the teachers trying to focus their point. I got this point: Leo began to be careless and does not want to commit as before. I focused on this point. I asked the teachers support in sustaining the child in getting back to a proper scholar attitude, assuring that WE (family) would have done the same and left the meeting. Returning home, driving my car, I decided that the sense of anger created by the judgment on my mum-capability just received would not be overturned on Leo.I mentally "greeted" the scene of the teachers who blamed me, forgived 'em for making me feel so judged and I dismissed the thought. I felt released as a burden left my lungs, I felt better. At home I brought Leo's attention on the effects of disengagement. I tried not discharge on him anger and frustration.He was already struggling with guilt and sorrow that made him cry. I pointed out how he was feeling sorry and bad at that time and I reminded him that he reached that state of mind by not engaging at school. I also did remember him how it felt good when he came home with good marks of which he was satisfied or when he learned new things to heppily share with others. And also in this case I reminded him doing what (studying) had obtained these nice results and pleasurable feelings.Leo suddently got reassured; I saw relief in his puffy face. It was clear from its facial expression that he got the impression to have found the key: "Mom: if I commit myself I go back to being happy."Life is a stream.
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